She's 10 months old now... can you believe it? As you can see, she quite literally gets into everything.
She loves to help mummy with the washing.
And she has this odd little habit of howling.... a little were-baby. I thought I would upload a video to demonstrate this curiosity.
We recently packed up her baby-walker and got out this little rocking horse.
This little Tri-ang rocking horse was mine when I was about her size.
It was a second hand tatty little horse with a plastic head which my dad bought for 50p (about 75 cents) and my mum thought 'oh no, what on earth is he going to do with that'. My dad cleaned it up, removed the broken plastic head, painted it, got an old piece of wood and sat one night carving the new head for my little horsie.
As you can see, Rafaela appreciates it as much as I do.
You may also have noticed we did manage to get our grass cut. Rafaela is in her element in the garden which is lovely, and in-between the dreadful storms we have had, we all spend time sitting in the garden enjoying the flowers and the weather.
So that's about it from this little chicken at the moment, I'll leave you with a photo of her contemplating the complexities of grass...
Oh. My. God. She is DARLING! That video is hilarious - Noooooo. ah-OOooooooo. And she's sayind Da da!!!!!
Isn't is so fun!? Each week, it seems there is something new that develops when they are that age. It just keeps getting better and better.
The rocking horse rocks. That wooden head is really beautiful. It comes with an interesting story and should be passed on for generations to come (with maybe a bit of Rustoleum thrown in for good measure).
Great pics!
Hope all is well with you and yours...
Word up,
What a cute howl!!!
Awesome rocking horse too...
but... most gorgeous of all is your little girl. So very beautiful and so very sweet. Special times.
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